Haven't you been frustrated with your weight for long enough?

Amazing Secret of a 50-Year-Old Mom From Napa, California Who Shed 90 Pounds of Unhealthy Fat And Avoided a Heart Attack

It's time to STOP suffering and regain control of your health with the safe, natural, proven weight loss solution that WORKS!

Haven't you been frustrated with your weight for long enough?

Amazing Secret of a 50-Year-Old Mom From Napa, California Who Shed 90 Pounds of Unhealthy Fat And Avoided a Heart Attack

It's time to STOP suffering and regain control of your health with the safe, natural, proven weight loss solution that WORKS!

Dear Friend, Christina DeLong's weight issue had gone from embarrassing annoyance to life-threatening problem.

Last May I was 220 pounds. On Mother's Day weekend I began experiencing some frightening signs of heart attack: heavy weight on chest, numbness in hands and fingers, difficulty breathing... and it scared me off the couch and onto the Internet...

Christina had tried diets in the past but she found it difficult to stick with them. She tried to cut out unhealthy foods, but her cravings (especially for sugary drinks) were just too powerful. She felt frustrated – and guilty – to find herself trapped in a downward spiral of weight gain and poor health because of "my addiction to eating."? But then Christina stumbled onto something that changed her life forever...

90 Pounds of Unhealthy Fat GONE with LivLean

"I stumbled onto your website, and now here I am one year later, at 130 pounds. Thanks to you, turning 50 last November was a time of hopeful self-improvement and positive change."

People all across the country have been trying LivLean and the results have been nothing short of extraordinary.  

Folks who used to endure the embarrassment, frustration and health risks of unwanted pounds of body fat... can now just take one LivLean capsule twice a day and, with a healthy lifestyle, the pounds melt away. Without the discomfort, hassle and inconvenience of counting every calorie or spending hours at the gym.  

Some might say, this supplement has revolutionized the way men and women lose weight in America!

That's because, LivLean is designed to change the way you lose weight:

  • More Effective than any other weight loss supplement we've seen, because it combines 15 different all-natural ingredients...  
  • Long Lasting Results because it addresses an underlying biological cause of weight gain that most other weight loss supplements and diet pills ignore...  
  • 100% Guaranteed to help you lose weight and regain control of your health or you don't pay a thing...

Dear Friend, Christina DeLong's weight issue had gone from embarrassing annoyance to life-threatening problem.

Last May I was 220 pounds. On Mother's Day weekend I began experiencing some frightening signs of heart attack: heavy weight on chest, numbness in hands and fingers, difficulty breathing... and it scared me off the couch and onto the Internet...

Christina had tried diets in the past but she found it difficult to stick with them. She tried to cut out unhealthy foods, but her cravings (especially for sugary drinks) were just too powerful. She felt frustrated – and guilty – to find herself trapped in a downward spiral of weight gain and poor health because of "my addiction to eating."? But then Christina stumbled onto something that changed her life forever...

90 Pounds of Unhealthy Fat GONE with LivLean

"I stumbled onto your website, and now here I am one year later, at 130 pounds. Thanks to you, turning 50 last November was a time of hopeful self-improvement and positive change."

People all across the country have been trying LivLean and the results have been nothing short of extraordinary.  

Folks who used to endure the embarrassment, frustration and health risks of unwanted pounds of body fat... can now just take one LivLean capsule twice a day and, with a healthy lifestyle, the pounds melt away. Without the discomfort, hassle and inconvenience of counting every calorie or spending hours at the gym.  

Some might say, this supplement has revolutionized the way men and women lose weight in America!

That's because, LivLean is designed to change the way you lose weight:

  • More Effective than any other weight loss supplement we've seen, because it combines 15 different all-natural ingredients...  
  • Long Lasting Results because it addresses an underlying biological cause of weight gain that most other weight loss supplements and diet pills ignore...  
  • 100% Guaranteed to help you lose weight and regain control of your health or you don't pay a thing...

Too good to be true? Well, let's talk about what actually causes weight gain and...


Hint: It's NOT Your Fault

Scientific research and clinical studies now prove how a major organ plays a crucially important, but seldom-discussed, role in your body's ability to burn fat. [1] When this organ isn't able to function at full capacity virtually nothing you try will result in lasting weight loss. I'm talking about your liver. You see, in addition to removing toxins that would otherwise get into your bloodstream and make you sick, your liver is also your #1 ally in the fight against fat. That's because the liver is responsible for producing bile that breaks down fat molecules so they can be absorbed by your small intestines... before they settle on your belly, backside, thighs and other "problem areas." [2]

But listen: Most of us do NOT live a liver-friendly lifestyle.

We do things (often without even being aware of it) that slam the brakes on our liver's ability to burn fat and function properly. Even if you avoid cigarettes and alcohol there's a very good chance your liver is overwhelmed with toxins and unable to help you achieve the trim, healthy body you deserve. OK, so you're probably wondering HOW your liver got so clogged with junk in the first place, right? Well, the biggest culprit by far is the Standard American Diet... and not just the hamburgers, greasy pizza and fast food meals you know are bad news.

Sadly, many of the foods marketed to you as healthy are anything but. Foods like reduced-calorie yogurt, fat-free salad dressing, chicken noodle soup – even so-called "nutrition" bars – are all loaded with sugar, chemicals and additives like high fructose corn syrup. These foods flood your body with toxins and your liver simply can't keep up with managing it all. When your liver is overworked, toxic residues accumulate, and this can trigger inflammation that contributes to obesity and a slew of other serious health concerns. An overworked liver can also cause fat to cling to your body, especially around your midsection. This means that no amount of cutting calories or sweating at the gym will lead to weight loss – unless you detox your liver.

GOOD NEWS! LivLean Is Designed to Restore Your Liver to Health

So you can be on a path to reach your weight loss goals – FAST!

RESULT? Erasing Pounds Is As Easy As Erasing a Blackboard

Now, I understand you've tried to lose weight in the past. Maybe you've even tried your fair share of diet pills and weight loss supplements. And yet none of them worked for you; none of them gave you a permanent solution to your unwanted pounds. LivLean is different. Other weight loss supplements can't deliver the liver-cleansing, fat-torching results you get with LivLean – because none we've seen combine so many cutting-edge ingredients. Let's take a look at some of these ingredients and see how they can restore your liver to the fat-burning organ it was meant to be...

INGREDIENT 1 Milk Thistle Your Liver's First Line of Defense A cousin of broccoli and cabbage, milk thistle originates from the Mediterranean where it's been used since Roman times to promote liver health. Today, European doctors prescribed milk thistle as medication to patients suffering from hepatitis, cirrhosis and drug- and alcohol-related liver damage. Milk thistle is useful for people worried about their liver health because it has been shown to bind to the outer cells of the liver and block certain toxins from entering. [3] Think of it like an invisible force field shielding your liver against invading toxins. When your liver is no longer working overtime to neutralize toxins from the air you breathe, the water you drink and the foods you eat, it has a much easier time metabolizing fat so you can finally melt away stubborn pounds.

INGREDIENT 2 Selenium the Amazing Anti-Cancer Mineral Modern medicine has praised selenium, a trace mineral naturally occurring in soil, for its ability to promote healthy metabolism. But this mineral may be even more famous thanks to its potent anti-cancer properties. In fact, according to Dr. Gerald Combs Jr. of Cornell University, "there is perhaps no more extensive body of evidence for the cancer-preventative potential of a normal dietary component than there is for selenium."[4] And that's just selenium all by itself. We wanted to make sure we found the highest quality selenium to give you the best results possible and, after extensive research, we decided on a formula called Seleno Excell™. Certified with the National Cancer Institute, Seleno Excell™ has been selected as the sole intervention agent in a series of cancer prevention and health-related trials.

INGREDIENT 3 Alpha-Lipoic Acid the Most Important Liver Supplement You're Not Taking Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that naturally occurs in very low amounts in foods like broccoli, spinach and Brussels sprouts as well as organ meat like liver and kidneys. Unfortunately, most of us don't get enough ALA in our diets. And very few people supplement with it... or even know about it! We included ALA in LivLean for a couple of reasons: First, this antioxidant is vital to cellular energy production, so when you're deficient in it you feel sluggish, tired and fatigued all the time. Second, clinical studies have shown that supplementing with alpha-lipoic acid results in significant reductions in weight, body mass index, blood pressure and waist circumference in both men and women. [5] Finally, studies have shown alpha-lipoic acid to be a potent therapeutic agent in the treatment of liver disease as well as the promotion of liver health.[6]

INGREDIENT 4 Dandelion for Detox? Yes, and Here's Why... You may think of dandelion as an obnoxious weed that runs wild over your lawn every spring, but it is so much more than that! Historically, dandelion was prized as an herbal remedy for upset stomach, intestinal gas, gallstones, joint pain, muscle aches, eczema, and especially liver problems. More recently, as seen in a study published in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, dandelion has been praised for its diuretic and liver-detoxifying properties. [7]

INGREDIENT 5 Curcumin the Spice for Life! For nearly 4,000 years, Ayurvedic healers in India have used turmeric – a spice that gives Indian curry it's distinctive golden color – as a cure-all against illness and disease. And scientists in the West are just now catching on to the incredible potential of this "super spice." In the article "Curcumin: the Indian solid gold," first published in the journal Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, researchers found curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-cancer properties. No wonder these researchers consider curcumin an ideal "Spice for Life!" [8] What's more, recent research suggests that curcumin uniquely ignites thermogenesis within liver cells – quite literally turning your liver into a fat-burning organ! [9]

Too good to be true? Well, let's talk about what actually causes weight gain and...


Hint: It's NOT Your Fault

Scientific research and clinical studies now prove how a major organ plays a crucially important, but seldom-discussed, role in your body's ability to burn fat. [1] When this organ isn't able to function at full capacity virtually nothing you try will result in lasting weight loss. I'm talking about your liver. You see, in addition to removing toxins that would otherwise get into your bloodstream and make you sick, your liver is also your #1 ally in the fight against fat. That's because the liver is responsible for producing bile that breaks down fat molecules so they can be absorbed by your small intestines... before they settle on your belly, backside, thighs and other "problem areas." [2]

But listen: Most of us do NOT live a liver-friendly lifestyle.

We do things (often without even being aware of it) that slam the brakes on our liver's ability to burn fat and function properly. Even if you avoid cigarettes and alcohol there's a very good chance your liver is overwhelmed with toxins and unable to help you achieve the trim, healthy body you deserve. OK, so you're probably wondering HOW your liver got so clogged with junk in the first place, right? Well, the biggest culprit by far is the Standard American Diet... and not just the hamburgers, greasy pizza and fast food meals you know are bad news.

Sadly, many of the foods marketed to you as healthy are anything but. Foods like reduced-calorie yogurt, fat-free salad dressing, chicken noodle soup – even so-called "nutrition" bars – are all loaded with sugar, chemicals and additives like high fructose corn syrup. These foods flood your body with toxins and your liver simply can't keep up with managing it all. When your liver is overworked, toxic residues accumulate, and this can trigger inflammation that contributes to obesity and a slew of other serious health concerns. An overworked liver can also cause fat to cling to your body, especially around your midsection. This means that no amount of cutting calories or sweating at the gym will lead to weight loss – unless you detox your liver.

GOOD NEWS! LivLean Is Designed to Restore Your Liver to Health

So you can be on a path to reach your weight loss goals – FAST!

RESULT? Erasing Pounds Is As Easy As Erasing a Blackboard

Now, I understand you've tried to lose weight in the past. Maybe you've even tried your fair share of diet pills and weight loss supplements. And yet none of them worked for you; none of them gave you a permanent solution to your unwanted pounds. LivLean is different. Other weight loss supplements can't deliver the liver-cleansing, fat-torching results you get with LivLean – because none we've seen combine so many cutting-edge ingredients. Let's take a look at some of these ingredients and see how they can restore your liver to the fat-burning organ it was meant to be...

INGREDIENT 1 Milk Thistle Your Liver's First Line of Defense A cousin of broccoli and cabbage, milk thistle originates from the Mediterranean where it's been used since Roman times to promote liver health. Today, European doctors prescribed milk thistle as medication to patients suffering from hepatitis, cirrhosis and drug- and alcohol-related liver damage. Milk thistle is useful for people worried about their liver health because it has been shown to bind to the outer cells of the liver and block certain toxins from entering. [3] Think of it like an invisible force field shielding your liver against invading toxins. When your liver is no longer working overtime to neutralize toxins from the air you breathe, the water you drink and the foods you eat, it has a much easier time metabolizing fat so you can finally melt away stubborn pounds.

INGREDIENT 2 Selenium the Amazing Anti-Cancer Mineral Modern medicine has praised selenium, a trace mineral naturally occurring in soil, for its ability to promote healthy metabolism. But this mineral may be even more famous thanks to its potent anti-cancer properties. In fact, according to Dr. Gerald Combs Jr. of Cornell University, "there is perhaps no more extensive body of evidence for the cancer-preventative potential of a normal dietary component than there is for selenium."[4] And that's just selenium all by itself. We wanted to make sure we found the highest quality selenium to give you the best results possible and, after extensive research, we decided on a formula called Seleno Excell™. Certified with the National Cancer Institute, Seleno Excell™ has been selected as the sole intervention agent in a series of cancer prevention and health-related trials.

INGREDIENT 3 Alpha-Lipoic Acid the Most Important Liver Supplement You're Not Taking Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that naturally occurs in very low amounts in foods like broccoli, spinach and Brussels sprouts as well as organ meat like liver and kidneys. Unfortunately, most of us don't get enough ALA in our diets. And very few people supplement with it... or even know about it! We included ALA in LivLean for a couple of reasons: First, this antioxidant is vital to cellular energy production, so when you're deficient in it you feel sluggish, tired and fatigued all the time. Second, clinical studies have shown that supplementing with alpha-lipoic acid results in significant reductions in weight, body mass index, blood pressure and waist circumference in both men and women. [5] Finally, studies have shown alpha-lipoic acid to be a potent therapeutic agent in the treatment of liver disease as well as the promotion of liver health.[6]

INGREDIENT 4 Dandelion for Detox? Yes, and Here's Why... You may think of dandelion as an obnoxious weed that runs wild over your lawn every spring, but it is so much more than that! Historically, dandelion was prized as an herbal remedy for upset stomach, intestinal gas, gallstones, joint pain, muscle aches, eczema, and especially liver problems. More recently, as seen in a study published in the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, dandelion has been praised for its diuretic and liver-detoxifying properties. [7]

INGREDIENT 5 Curcumin the Spice for Life! For nearly 4,000 years, Ayurvedic healers in India have used turmeric – a spice that gives Indian curry it's distinctive golden color – as a cure-all against illness and disease. And scientists in the West are just now catching on to the incredible potential of this "super spice." In the article "Curcumin: the Indian solid gold," first published in the journal Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, researchers found curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-cancer properties. No wonder these researchers consider curcumin an ideal "Spice for Life!" [8] What's more, recent research suggests that curcumin uniquely ignites thermogenesis within liver cells – quite literally turning your liver into a fat-burning organ! [9]

Delivering Up to 15 Times More Power Than Any Similar Supplement...

I've only had the space in this letter to describe a handful of the 15 premium all-natural ingredients packed into every capsule of LivLean. Individually, each is powerful. But together, the effect is unbelievable. That's because these ingredients have been combined in such a specific, scientific way that they work synergistically. This means that these ingredients are much more powerful together than they would be on their own because of the liver-purifying and thermogenic (fat-burning) influences they have on each other. But it's more than the specific combination of ingredients that make LivLean so special; the purity of these ingredients really makes this supplement unique...

LivLean Is Proudly Made in the USA

When it comes to your health, you deserve to know all the facts. But, what a lot of big drug and supplement companies don't want you to know is, the ingredients of many vitamins and supplements today come from China. Why is this important? It's important because these vitamins and supplements are produced with little to no supervision, guidelines or quality standards. You can't be 100% sure about their quality or safety. Who can forget the heartbreaking news stories from the last few years: tens of thousands of beloved pets in homes across America sick or dying because of contaminated pet food and treats from China. LivLean is crafted in small batches at a high-tech, multi-million dollar, 80,000 square foot FDA Registered & I&spected facility just outside of Atlanta, Georgia.

None of our ingredients come from China.

You deserve to know your supplement is safe, pure and effective. And that's exactly what you get with LivLean.

But, for as safe, pure and effective as LivLean is... This Amazing Supplement Is NOT For Everyone

If you're looking for one of those over-priced, over-hyped weight loss "magic pills" like the kind you see advertised in slick magazine ads or late night commercials, then I'm afraid LivLean isn't for you. As a doctor, I want to warn you against any supplement, gimmick, gadget or gizmo that promises to help you lose weight while you gorge yourself on fast food and lay on the couch flipping through cable TV all day. You're smart; you know that isn't how weight loss works. So while LivLean IS incredibly effective at making your unwanted pounds a thing of the past, it DOES require you to make healthy lifestyle choices if you're serious about seeing maximum results. Am I saying you'll need to sign up for the next 5K marathon in your town or spend hours a day at the gym? Not at all. In fact, with a healthy diet, some people have skipped exercise altogether for the first few months and still lost weight with LivLean.

As Christina told me: "I started exercising a couple of months ago, after I had lost 75 pounds. I signed up for a twice weekly tone class at the local community center."

Read Christina's words once more. While taking LivLean as directed, she lost 75 pounds BEFORE she ever started exercising. And even once she did begin exercising it was just a tone class two times a week with her friends down at the community center. Not exactly a backbreaking workout routine, is it? But, Christina did make some changes to her diet. "Oh boy," you might be thinking, "Here comes the part where Dr. Charles tells me I'm going to have to survive on a lifetime menu of rice cakes and water."

Is that what Christina did to achieve her incredible weight loss? No way! Christina simply took one LivLean capsule two times a day and made some very sensible changes to her diet.

She said goodbye to liver-poisoning sugar and artificial sweeteners, fast food, frozen meals and pre-packaged diet plans and said hello to...

Fresh Organic Fruits

Wild-Caught Fish

Nuts, Seeds,and Beans


Yummy Hard Cheeses

Coffee Sweetened with Stevia™

Delivering Up to 15 Times More Power Than Any Similar Supplement...

I've only had the space in this letter to describe a handful of the 15 premium all-natural ingredients packed into every capsule of LivLean. Individually, each is powerful. But together, the effect is unbelievable. That's because these ingredients have been combined in such a specific, scientific way that they work synergistically. This means that these ingredients are much more powerful together than they would be on their own because of the liver-purifying and thermogenic (fat-burning) influences they have on each other. But it's more than the specific combination of ingredients that make LivLean so special; the purity of these ingredients really makes this supplement unique...

LivLean Is Proudly Made in the USA

When it comes to your health, you deserve to know all the facts. But, what a lot of big drug and supplement companies don't want you to know is, the ingredients of many vitamins and supplements today come from China. Why is this important? It's important because these vitamins and supplements are produced with little to no supervision, guidelines or quality standards. You can't be 100% sure about their quality or safety. Who can forget the heartbreaking news stories from the last few years: tens of thousands of beloved pets in homes across America sick or dying because of contaminated pet food and treats from China. LivLean is crafted in small batches at a high-tech, multi-million dollar, 80,000 square foot FDA Registered & I&spected facility just outside of Atlanta, Georgia.

None of our ingredients come from China.

You deserve to know your supplement is safe, pure and effective. And that's exactly what you get with LivLean.

But, for as safe, pure and effective as LivLean is...

This Amazing Supplement Is
NOT For Everyone

If you're looking for one of those over-priced, over-hyped weight loss "magic pills" like the kind you see advertised in slick magazine ads or late night commercials, then I'm afraid LivLean isn't for you. As a doctor, I want to warn you against any supplement, gimmick, gadget or gizmo that promises to help you lose weight while you gorge yourself on fast food and lay on the couch flipping through cable TV all day. You're smart; you know that isn't how weight loss works. So while LivLean IS incredibly effective at making your unwanted pounds a thing of the past, it DOES require you to make healthy lifestyle choices if you're serious about seeing maximum results. Am I saying you'll need to sign up for the next 5K marathon in your town or spend hours a day at the gym? Not at all. In fact, with a healthy diet, some people have skipped exercise altogether for the first few months and still lost weight with LivLean.

As Christina told me: "I started exercising a couple of months ago, after I had lost 75 pounds. I signed up for a twice weekly tone class at the local community center."

Read Christina's words once more. While taking LivLean as directed, she lost 75 pounds BEFORE she ever started exercising. And even once she did begin exercising it was just a tone class two times a week with her friends down at the community center. Not exactly a backbreaking workout routine, is it? But, Christina did make some changes to her diet. "Oh boy," you might be thinking, "Here comes the part where Dr. Charles tells me I'm going to have to survive on a lifetime menu of rice cakes and water."

Is that what Christina did to achieve her incredible weight loss? No way! Christina simply took one LivLean capsule two times a day and made some very sensible changes to her diet.

She said goodbye to liver-poisoning sugar and artificial sweeteners, fast food, frozen meals and pre-packaged diet plans and said hello to...

Fresh Organic Fruits

Wild-Caught Fish

Nuts, Seeds,and Beans


Yummy Hard Cheeses

Coffee Sweetened with Stevia™

What About Eating Out...

Maybe you've tried diets in the past only to have all your hard work spoiled after a single meal at a neighborhood restaurant. Does Christina deny herself the fun and fellowship of dining out with her family or girlfriends? Well... would YOU want to give that up?

Christina admitted to me that  

"Eating out is sometimes a challenge, but I don't sweat the bad foods and just concentrate on making the healthiest choices possible. Overall, my new clean diet is much easier to maintain than I thought it would be."

LivLean isn't a magical weight loss pill because no such thing exists. Anyone who tries to sell you on something like that is just out for your money and I'd advise you to turn and run as far away from that offer as you can. We've invested many lab hours and what amounts to a small fortune to make sure LivLean works to help you achieve the body and health of your dreams – just like it did for Christina. And just like Christina, I'm confident you can experience great results with LivLean by taking it as directed and adding a little activity to your weekly schedule (although you definitely don't need to start exercising right away) and treating yourself to healthy, delicious foods like apples, cherries, and citrus fruits... salads piled high with all the yummy vegetables you can eat... savory fish and chicken... and, YES, even the occasional meal out with your friends and family!

Other People Just Don't Understand...

Being overweight or obese is really hard. People who have never had to struggle with their weight just don't know what it's like. Not being able to reach your feet to tie your shoes. Struggling to stand up. Having more than one chin. People staring because your clothes don't fit right. The embarrassment; the frustration. But, it's NOT your fault and it DOESN'T have to be that way – I promise. You really can look and feel the way you deserve. If you're tired of being overweight, why not try LivLean? It could help you avoid years of hurt, frustration, and suffering.

Are you ready to Say Hello to a Brand New YOU?

Imagine feeling comfortable and confident in shorts, a sleeveless tee-shirt – even a swimsuit! How would you like to no longer worry about your health? How would you like it if your spouse or children no longer had to worry about your health? What would it be like to have all the energy in the world to do your favorite activities... or start some new hobbies? Christina told me she recently started kayaking. She loves to take her kayak – which she christened "Midlife Luna Sea" – out on the Napa River and local lakes. Isn't that amazing?! Just one year ago, Christina was dangerously overweight and worried she might be headed for a heart attack. But thanks to LivLean and healthy lifestyle changes, Christina now enjoys her weekends kayaking on the beautiful Napa River. What will YOUR new life be like just a few months from today? Now, at last, you can shed your unwanted pounds so you can live the life you dream about day and night!

How LivLean Is Different From Other Products:

  • 100% all-natural
  • You can safely take LivLean every day*
  • LivLean detoxes your liver*
  • LivLean also speeds up your metabolism and accelerates fat loss*
  • No messy powders or giant pills to choke down
  • Good Manufacturing Practice Certified
  • Proudly made in the USA
  • Packed with the power of 15 synergistic ingredients*

Finally, Results That Last!

Are you ready for a healthier liver, faster weight loss, more energy and improved quality of life? Instead of buying and remembering to take a bunch of different supplements, just take LivLean. You won't need a handful of pills for your liver and another handful for weight loss. You won't need to worry about getting the dosage of different minerals and botanicals just right. That's because LivLean combines 15 amazing all-natural ingredients into a single easy-to-swallow capsule. It's impressively effective at purifying your liver and accelerating your weight loss.

What About Eating Out...

Maybe you've tried diets in the past only to have all your hard work spoiled after a single meal at a neighborhood restaurant. Does Christina deny herself the fun and fellowship of dining out with her family or girlfriends? Well... would YOU want to give that up?

Christina admitted to me that  

"Eating out is sometimes a challenge, but I don't sweat the bad foods and just concentrate on making the healthiest choices possible. Overall, my new clean diet is much easier to maintain than I thought it would be."

LivLean isn't a magical weight loss pill because no such thing exists. Anyone who tries to sell you on something like that is just out for your money and I'd advise you to turn and run as far away from that offer as you can. We've invested many lab hours and what amounts to a small fortune to make sure LivLean works to help you achieve the body and health of your dreams – just like it did for Christina. And just like Christina, I'm confident you can experience great results with LivLean by taking it as directed and adding a little activity to your weekly schedule (although you definitely don't need to start exercising right away) and treating yourself to healthy, delicious foods like apples, cherries, and citrus fruits... salads piled high with all the yummy vegetables you can eat... savory fish and chicken... and, YES, even the occasional meal out with your friends and family!

Other People Just Don't Understand...

Being overweight or obese is really hard. People who have never had to struggle with their weight just don't know what it's like. Not being able to reach your feet to tie your shoes. Struggling to stand up. Having more than one chin. People staring because your clothes don't fit right. The embarrassment; the frustration. But, it's NOT your fault and it DOESN'T have to be that way – I promise. You really can look and feel the way you deserve. If you're tired of being overweight, why not try LivLean? It could help you avoid years of hurt, frustration, and suffering.

Are you ready to Say Hello to a Brand New YOU?

Imagine feeling comfortable and confident in shorts, a sleeveless tee-shirt – even a swimsuit! How would you like to no longer worry about your health? How would you like it if your spouse or children no longer had to worry about your health? What would it be like to have all the energy in the world to do your favorite activities... or start some new hobbies? Christina told me she recently started kayaking. She loves to take her kayak – which she christened "Midlife Luna Sea" – out on the Napa River and local lakes. Isn't that amazing?! Just one year ago, Christina was dangerously overweight and worried she might be headed for a heart attack. But thanks to LivLean and healthy lifestyle changes, Christina now enjoys her weekends kayaking on the beautiful Napa River. What will YOUR new life be like just a few months from today? Now, at last, you can shed your unwanted pounds so you can live the life you dream about day and night!

How LivLean Is Different From Other Products:

  • 100% all-natural
  • You can safely take LivLean every day*
  • LivLean detoxes your liver*
  • LivLean also speeds up your metabolism and accelerates fat loss*
  • No messy powders or giant pills to choke down
  • Good Manufacturing Practice Certified
  • Proudly made in the USA
  • Packed with the power of 15 synergistic ingredients*

Finally, Results That Last!

Are you ready for a healthier liver, faster weight loss, more energy and improved quality of life? Instead of buying and remembering to take a bunch of different supplements, just take LivLean. You won't need a handful of pills for your liver and another handful for weight loss. You won't need to worry about getting the dosage of different minerals and botanicals just right. That's because LivLean combines 15 amazing all-natural ingredients into a single easy-to-swallow capsule. It's impressively effective at purifying your liver and accelerating your weight loss.

Soon after you've taken it, you'll begin to feel and see it working. And it will keep working as long as you keep using it every day. But there's no need to take my word for it. Just take advantage of your...


180-Day Money-Back Guarantee

It's really very simple: Either LivLean Works for You or You Shouldn't Have to Pay For It!

Claim your supply of LivLean and use it as directed. If you aren't thrilled with how you look and feel 180 days from now, simply return your bottles – even if they're empty – and we'll refund every penny of your purchase. You risk absolutely nothing. Because we've taken on all the risk for you. That's how confident we are in LivLean – and how eager we are for you to try it.

And You Can Also Enjoy SPECIAL SAVINGS... If you order 3 bottles of LivLean today, you can save $22 off the regular price.  

Order 6 bottles (that's enough to last you six full months), and you save $75 off the regular price!  

But, remember, no matter how many bottles you order today, if you're not 100% satisfied you don't pay a thing, okay?

You're One Click Away From Transforming Your Health, Happiness and Life!

Remember: about this time last year Christina DeLong was dangerously overweight at 220 pounds. And she was experiencing some "frightening signs of heart attack." Thankfully, Christina acted before it was too late. Today, she weighs a much healthier 130 pounds and, far more important than a number on a scale, Christina has her life back. She feels confident, happy, and in control of her health; she has the energy to enjoy favorite activities and new hobbies; and she's no longer worried about leaving her children without their mother. Like you, Christina struggled with her weight for years. And she told me there were countless dark moments in her life where she felt like she would always be overweight and unhealthy. But those dark, painful days are now in the distant past. All it took was one small action – saying "Yes" to giving LivLean a try – to dramatically transform Christina's life for the better. Now it's YOUR turn. Nothing changes unless you take action. So say "YES" to yourself, your health, your happiness and take advantage of your RISK-FREE opportunity to try LivLean today. You'll be so glad you did.

Soon after you've taken it, you'll begin to feel and see it working. And it will keep working as long as you keep using it every day. But there's no need to take my word for it. Just take advantage of your...


180-Day Money-Back Guarantee

It's really very simple:
Either LivLean Works for You or You Shouldn't Have to Pay For It!

Claim your supply of LivLean and use it as directed. If you aren't thrilled with how you look and feel 180 days from now, simply return your bottles – even if they're empty – and we'll refund every penny of your purchase. You risk absolutely nothing. Because we've taken on all the risk for you. That's how confident we are in LivLean – and how eager we are for you to try it.

And You Can Also Enjoy SPECIAL SAVINGS... If you order 3 bottles of LivLean today, you can save $22 off the regular price.  

Order 6 bottles (that's enough to last you six full months), and you save $75 off the regular price!  

But, remember, no matter how many bottles you order today, if you're not 100% satisfied you don't pay a thing, okay?

You're One Click Away From Transforming Your Health, Happiness and Life!

Remember: about this time last year Christina DeLong was dangerously overweight at 220 pounds. And she was experiencing some "frightening signs of heart attack." Thankfully, Christina acted before it was too late. Today, she weighs a much healthier 130 pounds and, far more important than a number on a scale, Christina has her life back. She feels confident, happy, and in control of her health; she has the energy to enjoy favorite activities and new hobbies; and she's no longer worried about leaving her children without their mother. Like you, Christina struggled with her weight for years. And she told me there were countless dark moments in her life where she felt like she would always be overweight and unhealthy. But those dark, painful days are now in the distant past. All it took was one small action – saying "Yes" to giving LivLean a try – to dramatically transform Christina's life for the better. Now it's YOUR turn. Nothing changes unless you take action. So say "YES" to yourself, your health, your happiness and take advantage of your RISK-FREE opportunity to try LivLean today. You'll be so glad you did.

1 Month Supply

3 Month Supply

6 Month Supply

Today's Price : $59 

(1 bottle of LivLean plus Digital fat-burning book)

List Price : $177.00
Today's Price : $159
You Save : $18.00

(3 bottles of LivLean plus Digital fat-burning book)

List Price : $354.00
Today's Price : $276
You Save : $78.00

(6 bottles of LivLean plus Digital fat-burning book)

6 Month Supply

List Price : $354.00
Today's Price : $276
You Save : $78.00

(6 bottles of LivLean plus Digital fat-burning book)

3 Month Supply

List Price : $177.00
Today's Price : $159
You Save : $18.00

(3 bottles of LivLean plus Digital fat-burning book)

1 Month Supply

Today's Price : $59 

(1 bottle of LivLean plus Digital fat-burning book)

Just click "Buy Now" and you’ll be taken to our checkout page to have your supply of LivLean rushed to your door.

4 More Reasons You'll Love LivLean

100% All-Natural 

Even though LivLean is amazingly effective, it contains no drugs whatsoever. You'll never have to worry about risks or side effects like you do with other diet pills

Easy To Take 

LivLean combines 15 all-natural ingredients in a single easy-to- swallow capsule.  

Just take one capsule twice a day to start racing towards your health and weight loss goals

Weight Loss That Lasts 

Many LivLean users begin to see and feel results within the first week. Some of our clients, like Christina DeLong, have been taking LivLean for over a year and continue to experience amazing results.

Live Life To The Fullest! 

How long have those embarrassing unwanted pounds and low energy kept you from doing the things you love? You can get back to doing the things you love thanks to LivLean.

Helpful Customer Support Need some help ordering? Have a question or concern? Our world class team of customer support specialists are just a phone call away.

Order by Phone or Ask Questions 1-800-815-6073

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P. Paschos and K. Paletas. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome. Hippokratia. 2009 Jan – Mar; 13(1): 9 – 19. [Pub Med] Anniek Werner, Folkert Kuipers, and Henkjan J. Verkade. Madame Curie Bioscience Database. 2000. [Pub Med] Carmella Loguercio and Davide Festi. Silybin and the liver: From basic research to clinical practice. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2011 May 14; 17(18): 2288–2301. [Pub Med] UC Berkeley Wellness Letter, June 2000 Carbonelli MG, Di Renzo L, Bigioni M, Di Daniele N, De Lorenzo A, Fusco MA. Alpha-lipoic acid supplementation: a tool for obesity therapy? Curr Pharm Des. 2010:16(7):840-6. [Pub Med] Bustamante J, Lodge JK, Marcocci L, Tritschler HJ, Packer L, Rihn BH. Alpha-lipoic acid in liver metabolism and disease. Free Rad Biol Med. 1998 Apr; 24(6): 1023-39. [Pub Med] Bevin A Clare, et al. The Diuretic Effect in Human Subjects of an Extract of Taraxacum officinale Folium over a Single Day. J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Aug; 15(8): 929-34. [Pub Med] Aggarwal BB, Sundaram C, Malani N, Ichikawa H. Curcumin: the Indian solid gold. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2007;595:1-75. [Pub Med] Lim HW, Lim HY and Wong KP. Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation by curcumin: implication of its cellular mechanism of action. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009;389, 187-192.  

* Disclaimer: The results below are not typical. The results observed are not associated with the effects of LivLean alone. You will only get results with this product if you combine it with a healthy diet and exercise program. Results may vary from individual to individual. This statement has not been evaluated by any government organization. 

Just click "Buy Now" and you’ll be taken to our checkout page to have your supply of LivLean rushed to your door.

4 More Reasons
You'll Love LivLean

100% All-Natural 

Even though LivLean is amazingly effective, it contains no drugs whatsoever. You'll never have to worry about risks or side effects like you do with other diet pills

Easy To Take 

LivLean combines 15 all-natural ingredients in a single easy-to- swallow capsule.  

Just take one capsule twice a day to start racing towards your health and weight loss goals

Weight Loss That Lasts 

Many LivLean users begin to see and feel results within the first week. Some of our clients, like Christina DeLong, have been taking LivLean for over a year and continue to experience amazing results.

Live Life To The Fullest! 

How long have those embarrassing unwanted pounds and low energy kept you from doing the things you love? You can get back to doing the things you love thanks to LivLean.

Helpful Customer Support Need some help ordering? Have a question or concern? Our world class team of customer support specialists are just a phone call away.

Order by Phone or Ask Questions 1-800-815-6073

Add To Cart


P. Paschos and K. Paletas. Non alcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome. Hippokratia. 2009 Jan – Mar; 13(1): 9 – 19. [Pub Med] Anniek Werner, Folkert Kuipers, and Henkjan J. Verkade. Madame Curie Bioscience Database. 2000. [Pub Med] Carmella Loguercio and Davide Festi. Silybin and the liver: From basic research to clinical practice. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2011 May 14; 17(18): 2288–2301. [Pub Med] UC Berkeley Wellness Letter, June 2000 Carbonelli MG, Di Renzo L, Bigioni M, Di Daniele N, De Lorenzo A, Fusco MA. Alpha-lipoic acid supplementation: a tool for obesity therapy? Curr Pharm Des. 2010:16(7):840-6. [Pub Med] Bustamante J, Lodge JK, Marcocci L, Tritschler HJ, Packer L, Rihn BH. Alpha-lipoic acid in liver metabolism and disease. Free Rad Biol Med. 1998 Apr; 24(6): 1023-39. [Pub Med] Bevin A Clare, et al. The Diuretic Effect in Human Subjects of an Extract of Taraxacum officinale Folium over a Single Day. J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Aug; 15(8): 929-34. [Pub Med] Aggarwal BB, Sundaram C, Malani N, Ichikawa H. Curcumin: the Indian solid gold. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2007;595:1-75. [Pub Med] Lim HW, Lim HY and Wong KP. Uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation by curcumin: implication of its cellular mechanism of action. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009;389, 187-192.  

* Disclaimer: The results below are not typical. The results observed are not associated with the effects of LivLean alone. You will only get results with this product if you combine it with a healthy diet and exercise program. Results may vary from individual to individual. This statement has not been evaluated by any government organization. 

* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary from individual to individual.

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